Why the CHIP Reverse Mortgage is an excellent solution for debt consolidation

May 29, 2024

Keeping up with rising living costs can be particularly challenging when you’re on a fixed income with limited cash flow. Many Canadians are taking out loans, using multiple credit cards, and delaying significant purchases to stay financially stable in retirement. However, juggling debts from different sources with varying interest rates and payment schedules can be stressful, leading Canadians to turn […]

Alternative Lending: Managing Mortgage Affordability

May 14, 2024

If you’re seeking a mortgage, but your application doesn’t fit into the box of the big traditional institutions, you’ll find yourself in what’s commonly referred to in the industry as the “Alternative-A” or “B” lending space. These lenders come in three classifications: Managing mortgage affordability in the alternative lending landscape requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure financial stability […]

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